July 7, 2009

Photo Update


Turns out I have a lot of pictures just sitting around on my camera. Why not show them to you folks, am I right?

This is me taking a picture of my sister whilst drunk in Peterborough. That's why you can see my finger instead of her lovely face. Beer is a dangerous thing. So are fingers!

This is Mark holding Lucy like a baby on Canada Day. She licked him in the face right after this picture was taken. Speaking of which... Happy birthday Mark! I promise my BH and I won't lick you in the face. Come to think of it, I can't really speak for my BH... Watch out!

This is Heather and I wearing sparkly wrestling masks in the kitchen. Then we went and drank White Russians with our neighbours across the street. I love living where I live.
(I also love goofing around in wrestling masks)
(And I also love Heather)

Morty's ass, natch.
And that concludes today's photo update!


Laura said...

you crack me up...as does Morty's ass shots and wrestling masks!

aandjblog said...

I've seen those wrestling masks around. I keep thinking, where does one wear one of those?

Stella said...

Laura: I "crack" you up... no ass pun intended, I imagine? ;)

J: One wears them in the kitchen, obviously...

zoom said...

I love that bum.

Stella said...

I believe it loves you too.