1. The funeral went as well as a funeral could go. It was very very long, but I got to see a lot of family that I haven't seen since... The last funeral. I also got to visit my Zeidi's grave, which I haven't done in about ten years.

It was nice to hear so many people talking about the sweet side of Uncle Maury, since most of my encounters with him involved an argument or two. I brought my BH, and when it came out that we had been together for nearly nine years without being married, my third cousin (or something to that effect) asked when we were going to get hitched. My BH yelled across the room at me, jokingly, and said, "Hey honey, when are we getting hitched?" Another third cousin (or something to that effect) stared at him wided eyed and said, "OMIGAWD, did you just propose right NOW???"

Funny. But no.

2. I saw the Watchmen last night. While it wasn't an atrocious movie, my favourite part was probably the Harry Potter preview before the film started. That, and the few scenes where beefy muscular men are featured with little or no clothing on. Because beefy muscular men are totally my thing. Who knew geeky Nite Owl II was so dang HOT under all that clothing? Holy shit.

3. I won the tofu challenge, but there is some discussion as to how much I won. I didn't win in the sense that I should get a tofu-themed parade in my honour, but I did win in the sense that I should get to watch Zoom's Video Of Defeat sometime soon. Because after her third piece of tofu, she distincly said "I like it!" and that's evidence enough of not hating tofu. Can I get an amen?!

By the way, Zoom's site also features a poll on the issue (go vote!), as well as a picture of me showing my devotion to salt and pepper tofu.


Nat said...

Part of me wonders, if perhaps she made the bet thinking that she would never have to get up to the acrobatics... just saying. ;)

Aggie said...

I voted incorrectly over at Zoom's blog. I think you won, fair and square.

Stella said...

Nat, I agree completely. This is why I gave Zoom the option of taping Duncan instead, because I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to cartwheel for the internet.

Duncan's ALL into being broadcast for all to see.

Stella said...

Thanks Ags. Can I call you Ags?

So anyway, Should you ever need some tofu love, you know where to find me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not a parade, but you should at least get a tofu sculpture made in your likeness.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I was hoping Zoom would like tofu.:)

Anonymous said...

I just want you all to know I've signed Duncan up for yoga classes so he can limber up a bit before he attempts any dangerous acrobatic moves.