March 27, 2009

On Knitting



After posting about how I'm worried my friends will lose their jobs, I get a few messages that yes, indeed, they are losing their jobs. So, fuck. Seriously. Media Cull of 2009? FUCK YOU.

My BH passed out last night before the knitting book launch (I hear ya XUP, he's a sleepy boy), and I was getting seriously worried that he wouldn't wake up in time to go to the event. I'm a fairly light sleeper, but my BH sleeps with the heaviness of a dump truck and he's impossible to wake.

Thankfully, Milan stopped by to give me an awesome bulldog comic strip, and the visit was enough to rouse my sleepy BH. Thanks Milan! I owe you one knitted item (please make it something simple, for your own sake).

So we made it to the book launch, which was probably even more fun than we were expecting. Have you guys been to Workshop on Dalhousie? It was held there, and man, I love that store. They had food, a live jazz band, shopping, and of course, my hot knitting teacher. She signed our books ("To my favourite knitting students EVER") and she even remembered how to spell my BH's name. It's been two years since we took classes, so that's pretty admirable.

Her book is so great that I'm inspired to start knitting again. Even though I can't really remember anything past casting on. Booo. I'd also like to stock up on cotton yarn, because wool makes me itch more and more every year. Does anyone know a good store that carries nice cotton yarns? I know there are some knitters out there...

Tonight I'm going to *mumblemumblemumble* and this weekend will be a laundry marathon.

Bring on the 15 degree sunshine!!


aandjblog said...

yeah! keep knitting. :) It's relaxing

Milan said...

Sorry I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Walmart? Are you going to Walmart tonight? It's the only thing I can think of that you'd be ashamed to mention. Or maybe Disney on Ice!! Ha ha -- you're going to Disney on Ice, aren't you? Warrior One MMA
Extreme Cage Fighting thing in Gatineau? Swiss Chalet?

Shawna said...

oooohhh going to Gatineau. Good call ;) Is "Le Bop" still open?

I know you like the spa, but do you like...manicures??

Amanda Earl said...

if you hear about these sorts of launches again, please send me info (events at bywords dot ca)
so i can post on the bywords events calendar. sounds like it was fun!