January 30, 2009

Done Done Done


So the strike's over, but given the result, it seems to me that this could have been decided TWO MONTHS AGO.

Regardless, it's done. Hopefully normal service will be up and running within the month. I know it's supposed to take about a week to get basic service together. And if I may say, the O-Train is already set to go - I call that an argument for more light rail.

I'm really excited about the gig this weekend. There's more information here, and the event will benefit the Cornerstone Women's Shelter.

It looks like Valentine's Day will be pretty rad this year too - first, bowling (I'm terrible but I figure everyone else will be too) and then I'll be popping over to BobCat to do a little intro for the Peter Elkas show. THE EXCITEMENT. And neither of those things are typical lovely dovey activities. Done and done.

A reader has requested that I actually talk about songwriting, because, you know... I'm a songwriter. So I'm going to give it a shot, even though it can be a tricky thing to explain in type, or even in person. First I will attempt to write a song, since it's been a few months, and then I'm going to write out the process as best I can. Hopefully it won't suck ass.

Then I will resume talking about what happens in between songs and gigs - eating, drinking, bitching about the weather and playing with my dog. My new favourite walking music. The usual.

Tonight should be fun - I'm off to my favourite cafe for some artsy goodness. Then I will celebrate the end of January, because that's something to celebrate, am I right?


aandjblog said...

good luck on your gig this weekend!

Milan said...

I am also looking forward to the Raw Sugar event tomorrow.

As for the strike, we won't really be able to judge until the results of the arbitration come back.

Milan said...

Not 'tomorrow,' 'tonight'

Amanda Earl said...

i'm excited about this sunday's gig too. sounds like an odd thing to say, but if you have trouble finding the venue, you have my cell. some people find it a bit difficult to find because it's attached to the Green Papaya but on the side, the stairs down to Swizzles are on the outside. see you Sunday. i'll be there around 1:30 pm :)

Anonymous said...

Peter Elkas!!!

You are awesome.

love Shawna