February 1, 2009

But he's my brown guy


I've got a point-form post about all the things I keep meaning to tell you. Then I have to go clean my house in preparation for a girls' night that will not include obsessing over the Superbowl.

  • Remember my confusion over the snuggie, aka the backwards housecoat? Heather got one! As a gift! And it wasn't a joke! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT IN ACTION. Pictures will hopefully follow our future snuggie session (Heather, can we have a snuggie session? Pretty please?).
  • The gig today was awesome, and I sold an unexpectedly high number of CDs. I also managed to stab myself in the hand with an errant banjo string while on stage and was therefore unable to react the way I wanted to (ie, screaming). It still hurts.
  • My BH and I met some friends at Pub Italia last night. While we were waiting for a table, my BH caught a glimpse of what the hostess had written beside my name, and burst into laughter. I leaned over to take a look at the description they had used for us: "Girl with green hat, and brown guy with brown hat." Brown guy? Seriously? I guess that's an accurate description, but still. We giggled about it all night.


Aggie said...

Can't wait to hear about the snuggie session...

Anonymous said...

brown guy, what the hell is that about? at least she's observant ...

aandjblog said...

wow I can't believe the waitress would write that down. It's funny, but I could see some people not seeing the humour in that at all.

Sounds like you had a really fun weekend.

Anonymous said...

Let us know if the snuggie works well. I'm always cold and would like something more substantial to put on my couches.:)

. said...

I've seen those ridiculous snuggie things on tv, but you're the first person I "know" who may have the opportunity to see one in action.
I'm excited for you! :)

Amanda Earl said...

you were marvelous yesterday; shocking about the banjo string pain though. stiff upper lip :)

Heather said...

snuggie session!! my dad will be so proud.

Stella said...

Aggie: It's gonna be hot.

Raino: Yeah, it was a little weird.

J: Good thing we could laugh about it!

Hannah: I will let you know of course... But chances are that I'll find it to be completely ridiculous and jump at the chance to bash it publicly.

Em: A snuggie in action - slow moving, at best.

Amanda: Thanks... I had a great time! And you had a purty dress!

Heather: He won't be proud if we do the session drunk...

MAdele said...

That's the best description ever! XD

When I go to Japanese shows with my friends, we're almost guaranteed to be the only foreigners in the room... I can just imagine the staff thinking: "Blondes! Boobs! [about my friends, not me!] What are those foreigners doing here again?!"