February 17, 2009

Mid February, I Curse You


My posting lately has been a little half-hearted. Mid-February does this to me, mostly because I am trying to do as little as possible in a twisted concession to let winter win.

Still, the weather has been mild, and I'm happy that as each day passes, I am that much closer to seeing a crocus or two. Morty, however, has been mourning the lack of fresh snow. He's a bit of a diva about where he pees.

I still owe y'all a post about songwriting, but my computer has been holding me back. I'd like to make a video about the process, but since my laptop died in November, the driver for my web cam has been missing. So. Hummm. Excuses.

What else?

I am becoming consumed by lists. I have never had more plans for the future than I do now. The most immediate? Buy an electric guitar. With... All that money I have. HAH.

Until then, I'll be burning through my stash of chocolate chip cookie dough at record speed. Because it's mid-February, and I can.


Meanie said...

dude! you can't come to my blog, bragging about how good your coffee is, without walking me through how to do it! i need to know everything - kind of coffee you use, measurements, steeping time. i am your grasshopper. teach me.

Anonymous said...

Dude! You can't write on your blog about writing about songwriting without actually writing about songwriting without walking me through how to do it! I need to know everything: kind of instruments you use, harmony, melody, lyrics, festering time. I, too, am your grasshopper. Teach me and I will not forget.

Stella said...

Duuuuudes.... Pressure!

Meanie: see my detailed instructions on your blog.

Tom: I fail! Maybe I'll take a video with my digital camera instead. Then at least you'll get something within the next year.

But seriously, SOON. I swear.

MAdele said...

Mid-February in Ottawa can be a soul-eating thing indeed. Mid-February in Tokyo, however, and this one in particular, is a glorious thing indeed. ^_^

So, when are you guys coming to the land of sushi and really weird tv shows? :D