So here's a bizarre confession: I miss working in retail.

It's strange. I don't miss the bad pay or the long hours on my feet. I don't miss the rude customers or the hectic pace. But I do miss interacting with people - the regulars especially, but also all the charming people I met who were just passing through. (A symptom of working all day in an office, perhaps?) Lately, as I walk by little cafes or shops, I get a pang of nostalgia for my days working one, two or three part-time jobs. Oddly, money didn't seem to be as much of an issue back then, because I had very few things I could spend it on. Tuition, and the occasional (okay weekly) CD. Eventually rent. But because I had very little money, I didn't waste it on crap.

I wish I could say the same today. As much as I try to be a responsible and practical shopper, I still suffer from the occasional bout of MUST HAVE that I usually regret. The only time I don't feel guilty about impulse buying is when it's on something to help me organize. At least then I know I'll use it. I've got a big crush on iron hooks and magazine boxes at the moment. Useful and cute.

I digress.

Occasionally I'll think something insane like "I could always do a quick shift once a week..." but common sense has prevailed so far. We'll see if my crazy former workaholic self stages a coup and takes over my brain. I'll start stalking the local businesses muttering things like, "I am good at sales. I am good at sales. I can sell your things."

Do you find the news as interesting as I do these days? In between the Democratic convention in the States and election speculation in Canada, I've got plenty to keep me occupied. I'll know things have calmed down when they start reporting on baby pandas again.

My gig in Montreal is fast approaching. I was feeling nervous about it, seeing as how I haven't even unpacked my banjo and guitar since the move, let alone had the time to string together a set list or learn any new songs. But last night, when my BH and I were walking Morty through Centretown, we bumped into the very friend I was hoping to crash with. "Of course you can stay with us!" he said. "You should bring the puppy too!" I wasn't planning on asking anyone if they can put all three of us up, but hey, he offered. Now I'm feeling very excited about this show after all. Time to learn some new songs. I've got an Emmylou Harris song in my head that's dying to get out.

Tonight is Hot Date Night. My BH and I are going to our favourite restaurant for dinner, and then we're heading over to the NAC to see Wicked. Making out! Dinner! Show! Making out!

Oh yes.


Laura said...

Have a WICKED time tonight!

Anonymous said...

I think a weekly shift in retail would be fun -- let's you climb out of that ivory public service tower for a few hours and mingle with the proletariat

Stella said...

Laura: Clever! So clever!

XUP: Imagine... Getting PAID to mingle with the proletariat!