December 27, 2009

Christmas Recap


I hope you all had wonderful holidays!

Our Christmas was really lovely. It started with a gift exchange between my BH and I. We got a little carried away...

This is one of the many gifts I got my BH.

This is one of the many gifts he got me. Am I going to make a great Crazy Bulldog Lady or what?

Morty discovered that he loves to tear up wrapping paper. Unfortunately we thought it was so cute that we didn't stop him, and he spent the following three days attacking every present he found so he could get to the paper.

He sunk his teeth into a pretty nice Monty Python box set before we realized it was probably a really bad habit to encourage.

I went to see my folks on Christmas Day. They had a lovely tree.

My fam is rad, no? Now you see why I'm so weird. These are my kin.

We made very blue pancakes. They had some very leaky blueberries in them.

My Bubbi was there. She's the cutest! She also bought my BH a real fruitcake, because she knows he's the only person in the world who eats that stuff. Thoughtful gal.

My mom took pictures of my dad. My dad made a lot of faces.

I discovered my mom's fridge poetry. Dirty! So that's where I get it from...

Speaking of dirty, Morty got a new toy for Christmas. It looks like a dildo.

What? Look at that thing! Don't tell me I'm wrong.

He loves it, naturally.

In other news, Morty got a new Christmas sweater from my mum in law. He looks like a fat Santa!

Destroying paper in his fat Santa suit.

Only he can make this look regal.

Onwards and upwards.... Here comes 2010!


Nat said...

Is it really a dog toy or is it something Morty unwrapped and ran off with? ;)

Stella said...

Well... Your version makes a much better blog post, so if it were true, you know I would have run with it!

Besides, if Morty got his teeth on a fancy not-for-dogs toy, I would be yanking it away from him, not taking a picture of his cuteness. ;)

coffeewithjulie said...

haha! these photos rock. i especially love the santa sweater for Morty. he's so darn cute.

Bob said...

I want one of those keep calm, ride bikes shirts. Where did it come from? Dish. I demand it.

Shawna said...

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