October 30, 2009

A Musical Week


It's been a fun few days. Rehearsals, gigs, concerts and parties. A little too much beer.

Okay, a LOT too much beer. I spent a good chunk of today cradling my head in my hands.

But hangovers aside, it's been great. Here are some photos of the festivities!

The first one was taken at Raw Sugar's anniversary party. When my BH and I arrived, a few people were in costume, so I happily put on my wrestling outfit. Mask included. Then all the costumed people left and I looked like a nut job, but that's cool. (I am a bit of a nut job)

This is East of Gatineau, a fabulous bluegrass band who shared the bill with me Thursday night.

Brian and I playing our set. I like how my head just disappears into the background.

Some of the instruments from rehearsal.

Julie Doiron!

Herman Dune!

And that's a wrap. More soon, with actual pictures of my costume.


Hannah said...

Looks like a great set. Hey-How come there are no pictures of you in your wrestling costume? ;)